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show your support for the project by sponsoring a postcard or making a donation.


Gemma, Lois and Sarah are each seeking £750 to contribute towards the final film, which will feature their own Physical Postcards alongside others created in the process of the project. 

The film will be a celebration of the rural landscape in which they work and live.


They have already managed to raise funds from Arts Council England and FEAST and through teaching fees and box office income, but are still a bit short.


They will be working with film-maker Brett Harvey and the film will be shown alongside community events and shared as a creative resource for teachers and students.


So please help us to reach our target. Your money will be used to help us to connect communities, artists and venues through a short film that will have a lasting legacy and which can be shared locally, nationally and internationally.



letters dance for you!


Sponsor Gemma, Sarah or Lois £50 or more and they will dance your very own Physical Postcard - a unique moving message.


Your message will be danced in the North East Cornwall landscape and captured in a one minute film. This film will be created and delivered to your inbox within 14 days of receiving payment. 


Sponsor a postcard.



Show your support.


If you don't want a postcard danced for you but would like to show your support you can make a donation here. 


Make a donation to help Sarah, Gemma and Lois reach their individual targets of £750.


Make a donation.

thank you

Thank you to those who have already shown their support...


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